Dr. Stanislav Spodniak, Slovaška: Ali je utilitarizem nepravičen in prezahteven?

Oddelek za filozofijo Filozofske fakultete vabi na gostujoče predavanje dr. Stanislava Spodniaka, Slovaška, ki bo v sredo, 19. aprila 2023, ob 15.30 (pred. 325). Predavanje z naslovom Ali je utilitarizem nepravičen in prezahteven? bo v angleščini.

Povzetek predavanja (v angleščini):

Is Utilitarianism Unfair and too Demanding?

Utilitarianism currently represents one of the most debated and developing theories of normative ethics. Despite this popularity, one should not forget the traditional objections with which utilitarianism has to deal. In my talk I will address two of these objections, namely that utilitarianism is too demanding and that utilitarianism is unfair. In other words, the charge is that utilitarianism sets moral obligations too broadly, and that it can often
judge as morally right an act that is unjust. In my talk, I will present and evaluate common ways in which the utilitarian responds to these objections. I will argue that the most promising way to deal with these objections is to prefer some form of rule-utilitarianism over act-utilitarianism.



Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts

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