International perspectives in adult education

International perspectives in adult education

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 60

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 7

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Mikulec Borut

Typologies in international and comparative research on adult education (eg welfare state regimes, skills regimes, adult education policies, lifelong learning, participation in lifelong learning).
Methodology of international and comparative research in the field of adult education (contemporary trends in international and comparative research, the Bray and Thomas "cube" in comparative education, Egetenmeyer's "cube" and the Millana’s scale of transnational research in comparative and international adult education).
Comparative analysis of global and European adult education policy of international (governmental and non-governmental) organizations.
The influence of geographical, social, political, economic and cultural factors in adult education (adult education in the countries of the global North and the global South).
Specific themes of comparative and international analyses (target groups in adult education, history of adult education, adult education for democracy, functional and critical literacy of adults, international comparative studies of adult competences - PIAAC, adult education in multicultural societies, community adult education, work market and education, work-based learning etc.).
International comparative analyses of significant forms and methods of adult education around the world (e.g. study circles, cultural animation, educational centers, folk universities/higher schools, centers for autonomous learning, learning festivals etc.).