Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko

Sprememba GU v sredo, 13. 12.


sporočam, da bom imel v sredo, 13. 12., spremenjen čas govorilnih ur. Oglasite se lahko v popoldanskem času, in sicer med 16.00 in 17.30.

Hvala za razumevanje!


(My office hours on Wednesday, Dec. 13th, will take place between 4 and 5:30 pm.)


doc. dr. Andrej Stopar


Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Jasna Sitar

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Dejan Rebernik

Department of Philosophy

Change of Office Hours Timotej Prosen

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Change of Office Hours Alejandro Rodriguez Diaz del Real

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Boštjan Rogelj