Introduction to Literature Studies
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Rezoničnik Lidija, doc. dr. Sevšek Šramel Špela, doc. dr. Šnytová Jana
Introduction to the study of literature represents a literary-theoretical basis for the study of literature. The course encompasses the basic concepts of literary theory, its historical connection with other sciences, especially with philosophy and new disciplines in the 20th century. Within the framework of modern theories, the original contribution of Czech, Polish, and Slovak thought to phenomenological and structuralist literary science and translation studies (Mukařovský, Ingarden, Miko, Popovič) is presented.
The literary-theoretical review deals with the following chapters: literary science and methodology, literary canon and problems with literary evaluation, structure of literary work, narratology and versology. Special attention is devoted to literary genres with examples from Czech, Slovak and Polish poetry, prose and drama from the Renaissance to the end of the 20th century in the original language and Slovene translation.
Students get acquainted with the literary-historical review of three national literatures: they get to know the developmental stages and poetics of individual periods of Czech, Polish and Slovak literature.
- Janko Kos: Literarna teorija. Ljubljana 2001. COBISS.SI-ID 110720256
- Tomo Virk: Moderne metode literarne vede in njihove filozofsko teoretske osnove: metodologija 1. FF: Ljubljana, 2003. COBISS.SI-ID - 127775232
- Jonathan Culler: Literarna teorija: zelo kratek uvod. Ljubljana 2008. COBISS.SI-ID 239638016
- Michal Harpáň: Teória literatúry, Tigra, Bratislava 2004, 7-52. 52. COBISS.SI-ID 55435106
- Eduard Petrů: Úvod do studia literární vědy. Brno 2000, 7-37. COBISS.SI-ID 44800866
- Henryk Markiewicz: Glavni problemi literarne vede. Ljubljana 1977. COBISS.SI-ID – 10127873
- Roman Jakobson: Lingvistični in drugi spisi. Ljubljana 1989. COBISS.SI-ID 6749698
- Umberto Eco: Šest sprehodov skozi pripovedne gozdove. Ljubljana 1999.COBISS.SI-ID - 103635200
- Mihail Bahtin: Teorija romana. Ljubljana 1982. . COBISS.SI-ID 22760960
- Roman Ingarden: Literarna umetnina. Ljubljana 1990, 7–20, 21–29.COBISS.SI-ID 23161600
- Nesrečno srečni. Antologija češke poezije druge polovice 20. stoletja. Šnytová, Jana (ur.) Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta 2012. . COBISS.SI-ID 262881024
- Sto let slovaške književnosti, antologija. Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, Asociacija društev slovaških pisateljev. Bratislava 2000. COBISS.SI-ID 13392226
- Rozka Štefan: Poljska književnost. Ljubljana 1960. COBISS.SI-ID 2329857