Introduction to Japanese Literature 1
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Shigemori Bučar Chikako
Overview of Japanese literature from its beginnings to the present:
- centralisation of Japan and beginnings of literacy, influence of the Chinese cultural sphere,
- cultural and political maturing in the Nara period: buddhism, imperial chronicles, indigenous literature (Man'yoshu, first prose works),
- flowering and decline of Heian court literature (diaries, arrival of novels, setsuwa literature, imperial anthologies of poetry),
- rise of military power and new literary forms in Kamakura period,
- literature in the times of political instability, appearance of theatre and new poetic forms in the Muromachi period,
- consolidation in the Edo period and the appearance of townspeople literature,
- opening to the outside world and Meiji Restoration: end of classical literature, role of literature in establishing the »national language«, new trends at the turn of 19c to 20c;
- literature under the pressure of militarisation: from puroretaria bungaku to nationalism;
- post WWII democracy and renewed flowering of literature;
- post-industrial society and authors of the last quarter of 20c.
- Katō, Shūichi (1981) Nihon bungakushi josetsu I, II (Uvod v zgodovino japonske književnosti I, II). Tokyo: Chikuma. COBISS.SI-ID - 129623299
- Shuichi Kato (1997) A history of Japanese literature : from the Man'yōshū to modern times. Richmond (Surrey) : Japan Library, cop. 1997 COBISS.SI-ID – 133698563
- Anthology of Japanese literature : from the earliest era to the mid-nineteenth century / compiled and edited by Donald Keene. - New York : Grove Press, cop. 1955 COBISS.SI-ID – 48775010
- Konishi, Jin'ichi (1984-1991) A History of Japanese Literature I-III. Princeton: Princeton University Press. COBISS.SI-ID - 33261569