Introduction to Web Design
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 10
Seminars: 5
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Maver Jasna
• Key elements and functionalities of websites.
• The basics of website development and layout.
• The basics of structuring content on a website.
• Basics of visual design.
• Software tools and environments for editing websites.
• HTML document structure, commonly used HTML markup for structuring content, building lists, tables, including images, audio, video, hyperlinks, maps and forms.
• Design with CSS: setting fonts, formatting text and links, setting backgrounds, borders, margins, and spacing, aligning, and positioning elements, floating objects, formatting lists and forms
• Preparation and publication of a static website.
Zaradi stalnega razvoja informacijskih tehnologij in didaktike poučevanja se bodo viri in literatura redno posodabljali. V uporabi bodo priročniki kot tudi spletne strani in tečaji za oblikovanje spletnih strani s HTML in CSS, na primer:
DuRocher, D. (2021). HTML & CSS quickstart guide. ClydeBank Media. COBISS.SI-ID - 154887683
Web Development Tutorials. HTML Tutorial [Spletna vadnica]. http://itwebtutorials.mga.edu/html/default.aspx
CSS Tutorial [Spletna vadnica]. https://www.w3schools.com/css/
Sigil User Guide [Spletna vadnica]. https://sigil-ebook.com/sigil/guide/