French Language Teaching Methodology: Teaching Practice
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 45
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Lah Meta
Class observation (observation of learning environment, teachers' discourse, achievement of goals, error correction, interaction, balanced development of communicative and language competences and skills, language adaptation to the level of learners' knowledge, etc)
Elaboration of lesson plans and materials (in Slovene and French language)
Cooperative and team teaching (i.e. lesson planning and teaching in pairs with other students)
Independent teaching
Oral and written reflections and evaluations (on the basis of the observation of teacher mentor or fellow student, self observation in teaching practice)
Evaluation of learners' development/learning
Final (self)evaluation and (self)assessment of teaching practice in French (exchange of teaching practice experience with fellow students, presentation and evaluation of teaching practice portfolio, discussion about possible errors or changes on the basis of experience)
- Interna brošura za PP Oddelka za romanske jezike in književnosti FF.
- Učni načrti za francočino za osnovnošolsko, gimnazijsko in drugo srednješolsko izobraževanje.
- Potrjeni učbeniki za poučevanje francoščine.