Sociology of Education II
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kovač Šebart Mojca
Ideology, school, and education as processes of reproducing society
- The pedagogical field as the “Cloaca Maxima” of the dominant ideology and its phantasmatic dimensions
- Inaction as a consequence of ideology
- The presence of ideology where we do not expect it
- Education for personal responsibility, critical attitudes, collective decision-making, and changing unjust social relations
Nature vs nurture
- Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation to learn
- The student’s interest in and/or responsibility for knowledge acquisition
- Sex and gender: the gender binary, gender identity, and gender identification
Changes in the perception of knowledge through history
- Knowledge as a value in itself; knowledge as a tool to be used
- Knowledge assessment vs formative assessment
- Education in public school: the subject’s freedom and autonomy
Expectations that society and schools have of the younger generations in terms of general education
- School and expectations about reading more complex printed texts and learning more complex content
- Differences in the effects of reading on different media (digital and printed) and linear and non-linear texts
Power and the authority of significant Others (parents, carers, and teachers)
- Pedagogical practices that undermine the teacher’s authority at the symbolic level
- The teacher as a subject who is presumed to know.
● Agamben, G. (2013). Izjemno stanje Homo sacer II, 1. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. ID = 269316352 ● Baskar, B. (ur.). (1990). Šolarjevo ogledalo. Ljubljana: Krtina. ID=6617344
● Blais, M.-C., Gauchet M. in Ottavi; D. (2011). O pogojih vzgoje. Ljubljana: Krtina, 224 str. ID=258001408
● Dolar, M. (2021). Od kod prihaja oblast?. Zbirka Analecta. Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo, 224 str. ID=89941763
● Fausto-Sterling, A. (2014). Biološki/družbeni spol. Ljubljana: Krtina. ID=277033216
● Kovač, M. (2020). Berem, da se poberem: 10 razlogov za branje knjig v digitalnih časih. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. ID=23347715
● Pobežin Roš, V. (2017). Pedagoška ideologija ali Kdo zdaj tu uživa?. Ljubljana: Analecta. ID=291778560
● Salecl, R. (2020). Strast do nevednosti: kdaj in zakaj ne želimo vedeti. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. ID=30858499
Relevant bibliography available in libraries and on the Internet – following the agreement at the start of the academic year.