Psychology for Teachers
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 45
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 7
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Depolli Steiner Katja, doc. dr. Pirc Tina, prof. dr. Peklaj Cirila, prof. dr. Puklek Levpušček Melita
- Importance of psychological education for teachers. Research methods and techniques in education.
- Development: maturation and learning. Neurophysiological basis of learning.
- Theories of psychological development (psychoanalytical, cognitive, theories of social development). Factors of development.
- Phases of psychological development. Tempo, individual differences, developmental norms. Language development. Adolescence.
- The classification of learning (conditional learning, psychomotor skills learning, verbal learning, discrimination, learning of concepts, rule using, problem solving). Conditions for successful learning. Promoting creativity in students.
- Observational learning, experiential learning.
- Process of learning. Structure of memory. Retention and forgetting. Learning transfer. Metalearning.
- Factors of academic learning. Physiological factors (physiological changes in adolescence, health, fatigue). Psychological factors (abilities, cognitive and learning styles, cognitive structure, learning approaches, academic motivation, personality and emotional factors, socialisation). Physical and social factors.
- Modern technology and learning.
- Individual differences among students. Students with special needs. Psychological aspects of differentiation and individualisation.
- Structure and dynamic of small groups. Communication and classroom management. Constructive conflict solving. Solving discipline problems in school. Teacher personality. Emotional intelligence.
- Forming values and attitudes. Psychological basis of moral development.
- Psychological aspects of assessment. Ways of assessment. Metric and motivational function of assessment. Test construction.
- Marentič-Požarnik, B. (2018). Psihologija učenja in pouka. Ljubljana: DZS. (str. 7-88, 97-106, 119-133, 151-219) COBISS ID: 294765056
- Woolfolk, A. (2002). Pedagoška psihologija (izbrana poglavja). Ljubljana: Educy, 610 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 119123200
- Depolli, Katja (2002). Psihologija: uvod v raziskovanje: učno sredstvo za maturo. Ljubljana: Tehniška založba Slovenije, 72 str.
Selected chapters:
- Marentič-Požarnik, B., Magajna, L., in Peklaj, C. (1995). Izziv raznolikosti: stili spoznavanja, učenja, mišljenja. Nova Gorica: Educa, 202 str.
- Papalia, D. E., Olds, S. W. in Feldman, R. D. (2003). Otrokov svet: otrokov razvoj od spočetja do konca mladostništva (izbrana poglavja). Ljubljana: Educy, XXVI, 421 str.