Practical Pedagogical Work
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Žbogar Alenka
Before going to practice at a partner school, the student listens 30 hours of lectures from the Practical Pedagogical Work and actively and gradually prepares to take up professional tasks within 30 hours of seminar in the Didactics of Literature. At the seminar students must complete:
- group preparation to practice where it receives the necessary documentation and instructions (10 hours);
- individual consultations (10 hours);
- group evaluation with presentation of examinations and submission of written preparations for 2 exams in literary lessons, presentation of their own reflection and reflection of the mentor, after completing the practice at the faculty (10 hours).
On a three-week (usually) complicated pedagogical practice, a student must:
- with simultaneous pre-arranging or work individually with teacher mentors and fulfill the program activities according to the program, at least 6 hospitations at the teacher's mentor and / or other teachers of Slovene;
- to conduct and to complete the Report on pedagogical practice for comparators (ie a journal or a summary of pedagogical practice, 30 hours);
- to have at least 3 mini performances in literary lessons (10-15 minutes of independent intervention at the mentor teacher's time);
- at least 4 independent solo performances before the exam;
- to complete at least 2 exams in literary lessons (both with different learning content);
- to critically evaluate and reflect at least 2 peer exams in writing (in the case of group practice);
- Write a concise reflexive evaluation of pedagogical practice (included in the journal of practice);
- actively participate in consultations with the mentor teacher about the course of work and the work done in the subjects;
- to complete 16 hours of additional activities at school or outside school (eg discussion with school management, school counseling, librarian or other teachers, excursion, classroom, conferences, teacher meetings, assistance in preparing exhibitions or excursions; on-call time, supervision , individual lessons with pupils with special needs, hospitable circles such as theater and drama, drama circle, rhetoric, school journalism, literary club, creative writing, etc.) and / or interest-related activities related to teaching literature, i.e. Reading hours in morning care, extended stay unit, preparation for the Cankar competition, Reading badge and other extracurricular activities, correcting homework, preparing written tasks, etc.);
- to complete at least 60 hours of home work (preparation of teaching materials, preparation for performances, fulfillment of a pedagogical journal ...);
In addition to the integrated contents in the field of literature didactics, competences in teaching literature, creative writing and literature for school use, pedagogical practice is realized in the following phases:
- observing and parsing literary lessons among various teachers of mentors in elementary and / or secondary schools, and hospitating for extracurricular activities.
- individual cooperation with selected mentor teacher - group and individual observation and parsing of literary lessons and other activities, critical observation and evaluation of literary lessons and other interest literature activities, independent planning and implementation of shorter interventions, mini performances at mentor hours and their own independent performances.
- independent all-round appearances and two exams from literature
- in the case of group practice observation, group analysis and evaluation of the examinations of colleagues in the group with the selected mentor and in the presence of a literary didactic teacher is anticipated.
- Report on the seminar with the submission of written preparations for both exams in literature lessons and evaluation of their performances and performances of colleagues (at the seminar).
Žbogar, Alenka (2013): Iz didaktike slovenščine. Ljubljana: SdS. COBISS.SI-ID - 266665728
Žbogar, Alenka (2007): Kratka proza v literarni vedi in šolski praksi. LJ: ZRSŠ. COBISS.SI-ID - 229661440
Krakar Vogel, Boža (2020): Didaktika književnosti pri pouku slovenščine. Ljubljana: Rokus Klett. COBISS.SI-ID - 15195907
KRAKAR VOGEL, Boža, BLAŽIC, Milena Mileva (2013). Sistemska didaktika književnosti v teoriji in praksi. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. COBISS.SI-ID - 266484736
ŽBOGAR, Alenka. Literarno branje in mladostniki. V: ŽBOGAR, Alenka (ur.). Recepcija slovenske književnosti, (Obdobja, ISSN 1408-211X, Simpozij, = Symposium, 33). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2014, str. 551-557. COBISS.SI-ID 276084736
Interno gradivo
Krakar Vogel, B., Vogel, J., Žbogar, A. (zadnja izdaja): Poročilo o pedagoški praksi za komparativiste.
Krakar Vogel, B., Vogel, J., Žbogar, A. (zadnja izdaja): Priročnik za učitelje mentorje študentom komparativistike na pedagoški praksi.
Učbeniki in gradiva za pouk književnosti v osnovnih in srednjih šolah (uporabljeni pri delu v razredu).
Učni načrti in katalogi znanja za pouk slovenščine na primarni in sekundarni stopnji vzgoje in izobraževanja.