International Trends in Library and Information Science
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Jug Tjaša, izr. prof. dr. Merčun Kariž Tanja
The topics to be covered are selected each year by the lecturer on the basis of current developments in the field of library and information science abroad. Students learn about the topics by reading a wide variety of sources (articles, guidelines, websites, books) in Slovenian and English, and by discussing what they have read in seminar sessions.
Nabor virov se vsako leto prilagaja glede na izbrane tematike.
Pri branju si študenti pomagajo z uporabo terminoloških slovarjev, npr.:
Kanič, I., Dimec, Z. in Vilar, P. (2012). Angleško-slovenski slovar bibliotekarske terminologije. Amebis. COBISS.SI-ID - 105533696 https://www.termania.net/slovarji/103/anglesko-slovenski-slovar-bibliot…
Kanič, I., Leder, Z., Ujčič, M., Vilar, P. in Vodeb, G. (2011). Bibliotekarski terminološki slovar. Bibliotekarska terminološka komisija; Amebis. COBISS.SI-ID - 105534208 https://www.termania.net/slovarji/85/bibliotekarski-terminoloski-slovar…
Slovensko društvo Informatika. (2020). Islovar. http://islovar.org/islovar/islovar