Education for Democratic Citizenship
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Hočevar Andreja, prof. dr. Kovač Šebart Mojca
- The concepts of the citizen and citizenship. The rule of law and democracy.
- The development of the concepts of the citizen and citizenship in the Western tradition.
- Civic and patriotic education. Patriotism, nationalism, cosmopolitanism.
- Relating civic education with the trio: autonomy, cooperation, participation.
- Programmes for democracy and the concepts of the good citizen (the personally responsible citizen, the participating citizen, the citizen oriented towards justice).
- The universality of human rights and the particularity of cultural norms and identities. Group rights and individual rights.
- Multiculturalism and universal civic rights. The rights of the group in contrast with the broader society and the rights of the group in contrast with its members, the relationship with cultural norms and the consequences of these relationships for the public educational system.
- Education for democratic citizenship and the establishment of the class and school culture following the requirements of socialization and dominant social norms.
- The social, cultural and other differences among individuals. The effects of different solutions in the educational system from the aspect of bridging cultural and social disadvantages. Analyses of concrete cases.
- The school as a social institution that contributes to the formation of a shared civic identity: the development of political literacy, the development of standpoints and values, as well as students' active participation in the lives of the school and the local community. Law, legal acts and education for responsibility.
- Comparing the syllabuses of Civic education and ethics (1999) and Civic and patriotic education and ethics (2011).
- Education for the media and civic education.
- Balluch, M. (2011). Upor v demokraciji: državljanska nepokorščina in konfrontacijske kampanje. Ljubljana: Založba Krtina, 140 str. ID=257225216
- Bijulkič, I., Sardoč, M. (avtor, urednik). Osnovni pojmi in dileme državljanske vzgoje. Ljubljana: i2, 162 str. ID=275046400
- Brezovšek, M., Haček, M. in S. Kukovič, S. (2016). Slovenska država in politika. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, 369 str. ID=287339776
- Kodelja, Z. (2009). Dopolnitev državljanske vzgoje z domovinsko. Sodobna pedagogika, 60, št. 1, str. 70–81. Dostopno na: https://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-KFR8XTTU in ID=761348
- Kovač Šebart, M., Krek, J. (2010). The public school, values and educational discourse. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, str. 61–188. ID=8395849
- Kovač Šebart, M, Krek, J. (2005). Vzgoja in državljanska vzgoja v javni šoli: ali ju lahko razmejimo? Sodobna pedagogika, 56, št. 5, str. 26-47 ID=761348
- Lukšič - Hacin, M. Milharčič Hladnik , M in M. Sardoč (ur.). (2011). Medkulturni odnosi kot aktivno državljanstvo. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU, 205 str. Dostopno na: https://omp.zrc-sazu.si/zalozba/catalog/book/842
- Salecl, R. (1993). Zakaj ubogamo oblast. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, str. 11-107. ID=33239808
- Šimenc, M. (ur.). (2012). Razvoj državljanske vzgoje v Republiki Sloveniji: Konceptualni okvir in razvoj kurikulumov. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, str. 103-129. Dostopno na: https://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-AJSIJKU9
Relevant bibliography available in libraries and on the Internet – following the agreement at the start of the academic year.