Japanese Language in Media
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Moritoki Škof Nagisa, prof. dr. Bekeš Andrej
Reading and listening skills are reinforced through reading and listening complex written and spoken texts taken from the web and media in Japanese. The students are familiarised with the most recent sources of information about recent events in Japan, devices for reading and understanding more complex texts in Japanese, translation tools and tools for the active use of Japanese. Basic lexicographic terms and terminology, principles and techniques help to broaden, reinforce and process vocabulary knowledge. The students' writing ability is reinforced through summarizing and writing short texts in Japanese about topics learned during exercises for reading and listening comprehension. The students reinforce their speaking abilities through presentations of collected data in Japanese and active participation during discussions about the same topics.
a. aktualna besedila iz japonskih medijev po izboru učitelja in študentov.
b. učbeniki:
c. dodatna literatura in spletni viri
1. Bekeš, Andrej (2008/2020) Text and boundary : a sideways glance at textual phenomena in Japanese. Ljubljana : Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete COBISS.SI-ID - 248174080
2. De Beaugrande, Robert in Dressler, Wolfgang (1992) Uvod v besediloslovje, Ljubljan, Park, 1992 COBISS.SI-ID - 1626888
Priporočena literatura:
1. Akira Miura, Mayumi Oka. Chuu-joukyuusha no tame no sokudoku no nihongo (Hitro branje japonskih besedil za nadaljevalce). Tokio: The Japan Times 1998.
2. Miyahara Akira. Ryuugakusei no tame no jidai o yomitoku joukyuu nihongo: dokkai kara kaiwa, sakubun e (Japonski jezik na višji stopnji: bralno razumevanje, konverzacija in spis za tuje študente). Tokio: 3A network 2006.
3. Oono Junko. Daigaku »kyouyou no nihongo«: Joukyuu reberu nihongo kyouzai (Japonski jezik na visokošolski stopnji). Tokio: Kodansha 2005.
4. Hasatani Machiko, Tsuda Akiko. Nihon o kangaeru itsutsu no wadai: joukyuu nihongo kyouzai (5 tem, s katerimi lahko gledamo na Japonsko). Tokio: 3A network 1995.
c. dodatna literatura in spletni viri
5. Imidas; Innovative multi-information dictionary. Tokio: Shuueisha 1987-2007
6. Maynard, K. Senko (2004) Danwa gengo-gaku: nihongo no disukosu o sozo suru danwa retorikku sutorateji no kenkyu. Tokyo: Kuroshio.
7. Maynard, K. Senko (2005) Nihongo kyoiku no genba de tsukaeru danwa hyogen handobukku. Tokyo: Kuroshio.