Geography of Environmental Resources
Lectures: 45
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Vintar Mally Katja
• definition of environmental resources and types of environmental resources,
• ecosystem services and biodiversity (at ecosystem, species and genetic levels) as an environmental resource and their importance to human society,
• space (land use – forested, agricultural and urban landscapes) as a limited environmental resource,
• renewable environmental resources (solar energy, biomass energy, hydropower, ocean energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, water resources, air, soil) – characteristics, possibilities and limitations of their use,
• non-renewable environmental resources (fossil fuels, uranium, minerals) –characteristics and environmental consequences of their use,
• management of environmental resources in the context of sustainable development (characteristics of current use, principles of sustainable use, carrying capacity definitions),
• possibilities of sustainable use of environmental resources in the world and in Slovenian regions.
• Global Environment Outlook – GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People. 2019. Nairobi: UN Environment. https://wedocs.unep.org/handle/20.500.11822/27539
• Oberle, B., Bringezu, S., Hatfield-Dodds, S., Hellweg, S., Schandl, H., Clement, J., Cabernard, L., Che, N., Chen, D., Droz-Georget, H., Ekins, P., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Flörke, M., Frank, S., Froemelt, A., Geschke, A., Haupt, M., Havlik, P., Hüfner, R., Lenzen, M., Lieber, M., Liu, B., Lu, Y., Lutter, S., Mehr, J., Miatto, A., Newth, D., Oberschelp, C., Obersteiner, M., Pfister, S., Piccoli, E., Schaldach, R., Schüngel, J., Sonderegger, T., Sudheshwar, A., Tanikawa, H., van der Voet, E., Walker, C., West, J., Wang, Z., Zhu, B., 2019. Global Resources Outlook 2019. Natural Resources for the Future We Want. A Report of the International Resource Panel. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme. https://www.resourcepanel.org/reports/global-resources-outlook
• Plut, D., 2011. Geografija okoljskih virov. Ljubljana: Oddelek za geografijo, Filozofska fakulteta. COBISS.SI-ID – 259739904
• Renewables 2021. Global Status Report. 2021. Paris: REN21 Secretariat, 370 str. https://www.ren21.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/GSR2021_Full_Report.pdf
• von Weizsäcker, E. U., de Larderel, J., Hargroves, K., Hudson, C., Smith, M., Rodrigues, M., 2014. Decoupling 2: technologies, opportunities and policy options. A Report of the Working Group on Decoupling to the International Resource Panel. OECD. https://www.resourcepanel.org/sites/default/files/documents/document/me…
Other current literature available in the e-classroom.