History of Southeast Europe in Early Modern Times
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Zwitter Žiga, izr. prof. dr. Jerše Sašo
Ottoman conquest of regions in Southeast and Central Europe from the 14th to the 16th centuries; relations between the Ottoman Empire, the Habsburg Monarchy and the Republic of Venice from the late 15th to the late 18th centuries. Military and war, administrative, economic, social and cultural history of Ottoman Southeast Europe; migrations in Southeast Europe and their long-term consequences; the origins of the Eastern Question; Ottoman vassal polities, focusing on Dubrovnik's political and economic history and its cultural significance from the 15th to the early 19th centuries; the military, political, and economic rise of the Habsburg Monarchy in Southeast Europe; administrative, economic, social and cultural history of Habsburg Southeast Europe, including the introduction of absolutism and the resistance to it in Hungary and Croatia; the origins, development and internal organisation of the Military Frontier; the Republic of Venice in Istria, Dalmatia and Venetian Albania: military and war, administrative, economic, social and cultural history of Venetian SE Europe.
I. Voje, Nemirni Balkan: zgodovinski pregled od 16. do 18. stoletja, Ljubljana 1994, str. 181–275. COBISS.SI-ID – 40579328
F. C. Lane, Benetke: pomorska republika, Ljubljana 2020, str. 194–412. COBISS.SI-ID - 36514307.
Razprava (kopija na voljo v knjižnici):
- P. Anderson, Rodovniki absolutistične države, Ljubljana 1992, str. 390–424 (= 7. poglavje, Islamske dežele) COBISS.SI-ID - 30976768
Priporočljiva temeljna dela
Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire (ur. Gábor Ágoston in Bruce Masters), New York 2009. https://psi424.cankaya.edu.tr/uploads/files/Agoston%20and%20Masters,%20… in v njej navedena nadaljnja dela.
An economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire, Cambridge, Melbourne 1997 COBISS.SI-ID - 10425133.
Peter F. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule (1354-1804), Seattle, London 1996.
Karl Kaser, Südosteuropäische Geschichte und Geschichtwissenschaft: Eine Einfürung, Wien, Köln 2002.
Ulf Brunnbauer, (Re)Writing History: Historiography in Southeastern Europe after Socialism, Munster 2004.
Das Osmanische Reich und die Habsburgermonarchie, Wien 2005.
Michel W. Weithmann, Balkan-Chronik: 2000 Jahre zwischen Orient und Okzident, 3. izd., Darmstadt 2000, str. 117–199.
Historija osmanske države i civilizacije, Sarajevo, Istanbul 2004.
Historija osmanske države i civilizacije 2, Sarajevo, Istanbul 2008.
Franco Cardini, Evropa in islam: zgodovina nekega nesporazuma, Ljubljana 2003
Priporočljiva literatura o pokrajinah in regijah
Željko Holjevac, Nenad Moačanin, Hrvatsko-slavonska Vojna Krajina i Hrvati pod vlašću Osmanskog carstva u ranome novom vijeku, Zagreb 2007.
Robin Harris, Dubrovnik: a history, London 2006.
Ignacij Voje, Starodavni Dubrovnik v besedi in sliki, Celje 2011.
Josip Vrandečić, Miroslav Bertoša, Dalmacija, Dubrovnik i Istra u ranome novom vijeku, Zagreb 2007.
Borislav Grgin, Rumunjske zemlje u srednjem i ranom novom vijeku, Zagreb 2006.
Ivo Goldstein, Hrvaška zgodovina, Ljubljana 2008.
Sima Čirković, Srbska zgodovina, Ljubljana 2009.
László Kontler, Madžarska zgodovina: tisočletje v Srednji Evropi, Ljubljana 2005.
Noel Malcolm, Povijest Bosne: kratki pregled, Zagreb, Sarajevo 1995 (oz. angl. izdaja: Bosnia: a short history, London, Oxford, 1996).
Noel Malcolm, Kosovo: a short history, London 2002
Oliver Jens Schmitt, Kosovo: kurze Geschichte einer zentralbalkanischen Landschaft, Wien 2008.