Evaluation in education
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Podgornik Vesna
The course is designed for students who are training to work in the field of education, especially in school counselling, and who need to know the system for assessing and assuring quality in educational institutions through constant study, research and evaluation of educational practise.
Students get acquainted with the concept of assessment and assurance of quality in education, development of evaluation research, situation in the field of assessment and assurance of quality in Slovenian schools, content areas and quality indicators in the framework of self-evaluation, learn about different national projects on quality assurance and different instruments for evaluation of quality created in the framework of these projects.
Special emphasis is placed on self-evaluation in education (types of empirical evaluation research, process of evaluation research, ethical principles and standards of evaluation) and the creation of an action plan of the educational institution based on the self-evaluation report.
Students will learn the characteristics and importance of interdisciplinarity for quality research work and the importance of appropriate school climate for quality research work and implementation of self-evaluation in an educational institution.
● Cencič, M. (2000). Sistemi kakovosti in vzgojno-izobraževalno področje. Sodobna pedagogika, 51, št. 4, str. 28–42. ID=761348
● Gaber, S. in Kos Kecojevič, Ž. (2011). Zagotavljanje kakovosti kot del dispozitiva varnosti. V: Ž. Kos Kecojevič in S. Gaber (ur.). Kakovost v šolstvu v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta, str. 10–36. ID=256045056
● Medveš, Z. (2000). Kakovost v šoli. Sodobna pedagogika, 51, št. 4, str. 8–26. ID=761348
● Milekšič, M. in Kos Kecojevič, Ž. (2011). Ugotavljanje in zagotavljanje kakovosti v osnovnih šolah. V: Ž. Kos Kecojevič in S. Gaber (ur.). Kakovost v šolstvu v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta, str. 105–137. ID=256045056
● Podgornik, V. (2014). Ugotavljanje in zagotavljanje kakovosti v slovenskih šolah s pomočjo samoevalvacijskih raziskav. Sodobna pedagogika, 65, št. 2, str. 42-61. ID=761348
● Podgornik, V. in Mažgon, J. (2015). Self-evaluation as a factor of quality assurance in education. Review of European studies, 7, št. 7, str. 407-415. ID=57525090 https://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/res/article/view/44558
● Podgornik, V. in Vogrinc, J. (2017). The role of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors in the system of quality assessment and assurance of school work. SAGE open, 7, št. 2, str. 1-13. ID=64423522 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2158244017713239
● Vogrinc, J. in Podgornik, V. (2012). Izkušnje vzgojiteljev in svetovalnih delavcev v vrtcih z izvajanjem samoevalvacije. Sodobna pedagogika, 63, št. 3, str. 100-117.ID=761348
● Vogrinc, J. in Podgornik, V. (2012). Samoevalvacija na področju predšolske vzgoje. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta. ID=261100544
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