Official hours in spring term:
Thursday, 10.30- 12.00.
Please, contact me in advance via e-mail.
Department of Geography
Prof. Dr.
Irma Potočnik Slavič
Irma Potočnik Slavič
Irma Potočnik Slavič holds PhD in Geography and is a Professor for Human and Regional Geography at the Department of Geography (Faculty of Arts, Universtiy of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Her pedagogical and research focus are rural areas, their neo-endogenous and sustainable development, including the delivery of LEADER/CLLD. She was a visting lecturer at several EU universities: University of Saarbruecken (Germany, 2010),University of Liege (Belgium, 2011), University of Olomouc (Czech Republic, 2013), University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014), University of Tartu (Estonia, 2015), University of Applied Sciences South Westphalia (Soest, Germany, 2018). She has several organizatorial references: as co-organizer of international conferences (Ljubljana, 2024; Kranjska Gora, 2024; Ljubljana, 2020; Zadar, 2014; Maribor, 2009; Medana, 2012; Ljubljana, 2001); organizer of scientific sessions at the international conferences (Wageningen, 2012; AAG in New York, 2012); head of the department (2018-2020), etc. She was awarded with DAAD Research Grant (Bayreuth-Germany, 2002), Canadian Embassy Grant - Faculty Enrichment Programme (Toronto-Canada, 2006), Prešeren´s Faculty Award for student´s diploma work (Ljubljana, 1995); prize for the PhD thesis at the Committee of the Region's Theses Competition 2009 on "Local and Regional Authorities in the European Union" (2009); Award for Excellent Pedagogical Work provided by Student´s Council at the Faculty of Arts (2010), awards of the Association of Slovene Geographers (2005, 2009); award Maks Fabiani 2019 (granted by Town and Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia as a group award for the "Setting-up of the national register on functionaly relict ares in Slovenia 2017"). She got an award "Slovenian Congress Ambassador" in 2021 (granted by the Slovenian Tourist Organization and Tourism of Ljubljana) and an Award for pedagogical and research work (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 2021). She has editorial experiences (DELA- scientific magazine: as asssistant editor, chief editor, editorial board member since 2018-),has been a member of the government´s advisory commissions, and member of Slovenian Rural Network (2018-), a member of Scientific Council for Humanities at the Slovenian Research Development Agency (2021-), a member of ISCAR/International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps (2022-).
Recent references:
HAUPTMAN, Barbara, IVANC, Taja, JELOVČAN, Matej, KORBAR, Žiga, STRUPAR, Kim, NIKOLIĆ, Polona Karin, DROFENIK, Urh, CANKAR, Jošt, SOTENŠEK, Domen, ANKO, Eva, DROBNIČ, Žan, KNEZ, Matej, JAKOŠA, Maruša, LIČER, Lucija, KOŠČAK, Robi, POKERŽNIK, Ana Katja, KRUŠIČ, Špela, POTOČNIK SLAVIČ, Irma. Digitalizacija na podeželju v Sloveniji: med razvojnimi koraki in digitalnimi razkoraki. Dela. [Tiskana izd.]. 2023, [št.] 60, str. 123-155, graf. prikazi. ISSN 0354-0596., Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije -, DOI: 10.4312/dela.60.123-155. [COBISS.SI-ID 184934147], [SNIP, Scopus]
POTOČNIK SLAVIČ, Irma, CUNDER, Tomaž, ŠABEC KORBAR, Eva, BEDRAČ, Matej, ŠOSTER, Goran, POTOČNIK SLAVIČ, Irma (Ed.), CUNDER, Tomaž (Ed.). Izvajanje pristopa LEADER/CLLD v Sloveniji (=The delivery of LEADER/CLLD aprproach in Slovenia). Ljubljana: Založba Univerze, 2022. GeograFF, 26.
LOUKOPOULOS, Argyrios, TAYLOR, Marie, SOTIROPOULOU, Aikaterini, HVALIČ ERZETIČ, Barbara, MIKOLIČ, Sara, POTOČNIK SLAVIČ, Irma, MANTI, Arianna. Social entrepreneurship education enhancement through innovative training pedagogies across Europe. Irish journal of management. Dec. 2022, vol. 41, iss. 2, str. 135-154. ISSN 1649-248X., DOI: 10.2478/ijm-2023-0002. [COBISS.SI-ID 144882435], [WoS]
POTOČNIK SLAVIČ, Irma. Building a tourism palace: agritourism in metropolitan areas as another stone in the mosaic?: the case of Slovenia. V: SZNAJDER, Michał (ur.). Metropolitan commuter belt tourism. London; New York: Routledge, 2017, 116-125.
POTOČNIK SLAVIČ, Irma. Fragmented agrarian space: building blocks and modernisation trajectories: the case of Slovenia. Quaestiones Geographicae, ISSN 0137-477X, 2017, 36, 2, 37-48.
LAMPIČ, Barbara, MRAK, Irena, POTOČNIK SLAVIČ, Irma. Transformation of rural Slovenia : the Pomurje region in search of new development paths. In: MCDONAGH, John (Ed.), NIENABER, Birte (Ed.), WOODS, Michael Ed.). Globalization and Europe?s rural regions, (Perspectives on rural policy and planning). Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate, 2015, 125-142.
POTOČNIK SLAVIČ, Irma. Farm tourism in Slovenia: mosaic structure and future prospects. Journal of rural and community development, 2014, vol. 9, no. 3, 280-294.
Recent projects:
SURF: Sustainable Rural Future, Erasmus + KA project (2023-2025).
FLIARA: Female-Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas, Horizon 2020 (2023-2026).
Sheme kakovosti (The impact of quality schemes "Protected Designation of Origin" (PDO) and "Protected Geographical Indication" (PGI) on cooperation and organization of producers in Slovenia), National target research project, partner (2024-2026).
Completed projects:
REBOUND: Fostering Resilience in Rural Communities, Erasmus + KA Project (2022-2024).
SocialB: Social Business Educational EcoSystem for Sustainability and Growth, Erasmus+ KA2 Project (2020-2022).
CELSA: Analysis of the supportive environment of new entrants in farming, Bilateral project: University of Ljubljana and KU Leuven (2020-2022).
Conflicts in rural areas as stimulators of solutions searching and development, National target research project, lead partner (2020-2022).
Vingatur: Prospects for further development of wine and gastronomy tourism on farms, National target research project (2020-2022).
NEWBIE (New Entrant netWork: Business models for Innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience in European agriculture), Horizon 2020 – CSA Project (2018-2021).
TELI2: Transnational Education in Leader Implementation, Erasmus+ project (2016-2018).
Potencials and Barriers for the Development of Supplementary Activities on the Farms (Potenicali in ovire za razvoj dopolnilnih dejavnosti na kmetijah), financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and Slovenian Research Agency (2016-2018).
Sustainable Regional Development of Slovenia (Trajnostni regionalni razvoj Slovenije), financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (2017-2020).