Environmental Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 40

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 20

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Andrič Maja, doc. dr. Petru Simona, doc. dr. Tolar Tjaša, doc. dr. Toškan Borut

The course consists of two sets of content - archaeozoology and palaeobotany.
Archaeozoology: a brief overview of the relationship between man and animal in different archaeological periods; general characteristics of bones and teeth (composition, structure, growth, fossilization); systematic learning about the skeletons of animals, most commonly found in archaeological sites, use and processing of bones, bone products (tools, weapons , decorative objects); taphonomy, traces on bones (fragmentation, cuts, bites, burn marks, pathological changes etc.); identifying the activities of man, beast, and the impact of the environment after the end of life; recommendations for the treatment of bones during excavations; basic analysis of bone materials (determination, identification and interpretation of traces on bones, determination of gender, age and season of death, bone measurements, statistical analysis etc.); overview of modern research methods; the possibilities and limitations of archaeozoology.

Palaeobotany: an overview of palaeobotanical disciplines and procedures (palynology, carpological, xylotomical and anthracotomical analysis, analysis of phytoliths); basics of plant ecology and phytogeography; the development of Late-Glacial and Holocene vegetation in Europe and Slovenia and the human impact on the environment in different archaeological periods, independent research planning; selection and sampling of archaeological / palaeoecological sites, methods of palaeobotanical samples storage; the interpretative scope and possibilities of individual palaeobotanical disciplines.

The listed texts should be consulted primarily for the chosen topics according to the lecture contents or professor’s suggestions.