Lectures: 15
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Gale Luka, doc. dr. Žvab Rožič Petra
- Introduction to Geology as part of the Earth Sciences and its relation to other disciplines; usage of knowledge in Geology.
- Distinction between minerals, crystals and rocks.
- Main rock forming minerals.
- Rock cycle. Main rock groups and presentation of common rock types (composition, texture, origin, properties).
- Geological time scale. Dating rocks.
- Earth as a planet; its inner structure.
- Plate tectonics.
- Orogeny and the structure of orogens (Alps).
- Geological structures (folds, faults) and earthquakes.
- Geological map.
- Structure of Slovenian territory; geological map of Slovenia; regional geology of Slovenia (focus on formation of different rock types and palaeogeography).
Practical work:
- Identification of rock-forming minerals, common sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic rocks.
- Geological map.
• Plummer, C. C., McGeary, D., Carlson, D. H. 2001. Physical geology. Boston, London, McGraw-Hill. COBISS.SI-ID – 267102
• Jeršek, M. (ur.) 2009: Evolucija Zemlje in geološke značilnosti Slovenije. Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije. COBISS.SI-ID – 247734784
• Pleničar, M., Otoničar, B. & Novak, M. 2009: Geologija Slovenije. Geološki zavod Slovenije. COBISS.SI-ID – 252691456