Predavanji izr. prof. dr. Asmirja Gračanina z Univerze na Reki

Oddelek za psihologijo Filozofske fakultete vabi na dve predavanji izr. prof. dr. Asmirja Gračanina z Oddelka za psihologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze na Reki, in sicer:

- v torek, 28. 3. 2023, bo ob 9:40 v predavalnici 119 predavanje (dve šolski uri) o motivaciji za vzpenjanje po družbeni lestvici

Povzetek v angleškem jeziku: 

Prestige and dominance motivation

Social hierarchies are a fundamental aspect of human social life. Ascending in these hierarchies – i.e., attaining social status, has multiple consequences for individual humans. People differ in their motivation to achieve social status, not just in terms of its absolute level, but also in terms of preferred strategies for ascending the social ladder. In this lecture, I will present theoretical work and empirical evidence dealing with individual differences in prestige and dominance motivation. I will also deal with the correlates, causes, and consequences of these motivations, also by presenting some of our recent studies in this area.

- v sredo, 29. 3. 2023, bo ob 12:00 v predavalnici 119 predavanje (dve šolski uri) o raziskovanju joka:

Povzetek v angleškem jeziku: 

Causes and consequences of emotional tears

Earlier scientific accounts of emotional tearing up focused primarily on its potential beneficial intra-personal effects, including its effects on somatic and psychological health. Recent studies provide evidence that tearing up represents a means of transferring information, primarily those in the realm of attachment processes and help/nurturance seeking. Emotional tearing up most often has beneficial consequences for the crying individual primarily via responses from others, and possibly via metabolic changes that facilitate the fulfillment of its signaling function. In order to provide more detailed insight into the research in this area, I will briefly present several examples of the specific studies on emotional tearing up conducted by our research group.

Predavanji bosta v angleškem jeziku. 


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